Thursday, February 5, 2009

Super Jadyn To The Rescue

I just discovered this website. They make super hero capes. Not just any super hero cape though... REAL ONES :-) I had to order Jadyn the princess one. 10% of all of the proceeds go to a charity AND you can also donate a cape to sick and needy children.
For me I know there is nothing like feeding a child's imagination. I LOVE watching Jadyn and her imaginative play. She is so funny!! When she grows up all of her magic and imaginative play will be no more. So, I feed it as much as I can right now. I remember believing I was a super hero. I was so in to it.
Here are some photos of Jadyn's super hero suit. They are a little expensive but there is no price for an imagination.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Jacob and Joshua would love to own those! Thanks for the link.