Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jadyn Funny

Let me first start by saying that Jadyn is aware that she has 2 Mommies and a Donor. She isn't exactly sure WHERE the Donor steps in and what he I just tell her that he gave a piece of his body to help make her.
A few days ago JJ and her friend Missy were playing in her little pool. They wanted to play house. So, JJ played the baby and Missy played the Mommy for a little while. It then came time to switch roles. Missy says "Ok I will be the baby now and you be the Mommy." Jadyn then exclaims " NO, you be the baby and I Will be the Donor."............


Yesterday we were at McDonald's Play place by our house. Jadyn is couting the kids.
"Hey Mommy ,look, 1.....2....3...... kids."
" Good Job JJ".
" And Mommy there is 1....2......3...... Donors."
I had to explain that we are parents... not donors..... Children don't usually interact with their

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