Friday, June 27, 2008

Farewell PaPa G.

My Grandpa ( Jadyn's Papa G. ) passed today. I know he is probably much better off than he was. He was just sick and olf for the past few months. He was diagnosed with Lung Cancer a few years ago. Although he had conitinued to beat the cancer with radiation and chemo he was just getting "old". His body was aging fastly. Maybe it just seemed fast because just 3 short years ago he was still driving his car to come to my mother's house to see Jadyn. Then he just started to deteriorate. About 6 months ago he built a room on to my mom's house and began to live with her. He, of course, would get confused and ask when he was going home and such. At this time the doctor's and my mom and her siblings decided his quality of life was non existant. They stopped the chemo and put him in Hospice.

Grandpa also went on many great adventures ( several dinner party's). Although he never really left the He started to lose his mind. That to me was sad. Especially since he always seemed so Healthy and Strong to me. However, it did make me giggle at times too. Like the day he decided he was going to wear a T-shirt as pants. I was also invited to go on the train with him one night to a fancy dinner party. Simply because he didn't know a lot of people and he wanted me to go with him. He was so cute in the final days. So kissable!

Grandpa, Veto, Dada, Papa G....... You will be missed! We Love You!!

Jadyn and Papa G watching their favorite show together, M.A.S.H.


Sara said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Aimee said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Chris.

Love you! xoxoxoxo

Mommy Goggles said...

OMG Chris! I am so sorry for your loss! :*( I just saw this post and I am in tears. My heart and my thoughts go out to you all!