Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My guts feel like they are going back to normal. I can actually walk around with little to no pain. Who would of thought one little needle in the ovaries would make you hurt so much?? Perhaps now that I am not in so much discomfort my body can think about implanting an embryo or 2???..... :-) What if all 3 implant?? OMG..... I will definately be looking for volunteers...haha!! My RE did tell me if it resulted in triplets he would babysit..... Maybe he shouldn't be so sure of himself.....lol
I didn't get a report yesterday on my remaining embryo's. They must still be kicking it up. Let's hope they hit a growth spurt and want to be frozen :-) Wishful thinking, I know! We all have to dream at some point in our lives :-)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Glad you're feeling better! Crossing my fingers and toes over here in Texas! Good Luck!!!