Thursday, August 7, 2008

Retrieval is ALL Done :-)

I went in at 8:00 a.m. They called me back pretty quick to start an IV. There I sat and sat and......sat. Finally about 9:30 they came to get me :-) The anthesiologist says " Now, the grate up there on the ceiling is going to start looking a little wobbly to you. Shit...... I barely even got a look at the grate and I was waking Sue and I actually have a lot of fun pre op and post They retrieved 19 eggs. The doctor said because of my Polycystic tendencies that probably only half will be mature. As long as 2 make it to transfer that's all we care about :-)

So, tomorrow I will have an update of how many fertilized and when for sure tranfer is!


Sara said...

Yay! I'm so glad it wasn't painful. Hoping for lots of healthy fertilized eggs for you.

Aimee said...

That's so great! Even 9 or 10 (half of 19) is a wonderful result! Sounds like you did great! I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to hear that fertilization report.

Sarah said...

Yay! I'm so glad it went smoothly for you. I'm excited to find out tomorrow how many fertilised. How many do you think you'll transfer if there are more than 2 ready?

Chris said...

They will only transfer 2 because of my age. IF there are any good ones still at that point they will freeze the rest :-)